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October update...

well... bit of a bugger of a month - summed up by Woody on Frothers describing my super power as Glacial Slowness... he's not wrong there you know...

got my longed for Warlord plastic Germans and the top secret armoured heads are undersized, so will need to do my own - for 20 of the buggers... that was one project that got stuck pretty quick...

so... started on jazzing up my Wirrn, hefty bit of g/s'ing done, but need to work on the legs and had problems with the g/s around wire, tried using brass rod, but that looked too regular - after a call out for help on Frothers I think I can move on it, but to eliminate any problems I need to get some new g/s as my batch isn't the freshest...

so then returned to my hedges, finished off some flocking on that and picked up some trees - but need to get some bases sorted out for those...

and then back to the quarry... finished off the 'something extra' piece and did some test fitting and things aren't quite as good a fit as I'd first hoped... so plenty of filling, plenty of sanding, one bit of rebasing and some major restructuring to one side it should almost be done - this I intend to get painted in November... just need to texture the base, add rubble and... oh bugger...

in the meantime, if you haven't seen gamerMac's Zeppelin, do check this out... most frothworthy pics on the bottom of page 34 - makes me want more space...

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